Reactive Potential
Reactive. May React With Copper, Silver.
Forms of Glass
Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) and Stringer (-0107, -0272, 0507)
Detailed Information
About 000009 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics
Looks similar to White Opalescent (000113) with a slight blue tint.
Working Notes

Reactive cloud opalescent can be easily confused with 000113. Reactive combinations have the potential to create an interface color, which may continue to develop through multiple firings. Copper-based reactions tend to be variations of deep red to black, while silver-based reactions are more likely to develop as earth tones. Reactions are generally related to the amount of copper and silver content, heatwork and surface area contact.
Bullseye Compatible.
Learn more about the Reactive Cloud Opal Kiln-Glass style in Get a Reaction.
About 000009 Frit

Working Notes
See sheet glass notes about this style.
About 000009 Stringer

Working Notes

that is not copper-bearing

copper-bearing glass

that is not copper-bearing

copper-bearing glass