000137 French Vanilla Opalescent

French Vanilla Opal glass swatch



This style may not reveal (strike to) its target color until fired.

Reactive Potential

Contains: Sulfur (S) / Selenium (Se)
May React With: Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), and Silver (Ag)

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) Rod (-0576), Stringer (-0507, -0107, -0272), Ribbon (-0401), and Confetti (-0004)

Detailed Information

About 000137 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics

Uniform color.

French Vanilla Opal glass swatch
000137-0030 Fused tile demonstrates translucency
Working Notes

This sulfur-bearing glass may react with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses to create dark interface (lead sulfide, copper sulfide). See our chart Reactive Potential of Bullseye Glasses for more information.

Very viscous; will flow later and less than other glasses. Generally more sensitive to heat-history and more likely to show variation in color after fusing than many opals. When fired on edge, a clear distinction between outside and interior surfaces is commonly seen (a variation used by designers). This glass may become increasingly white with repeated firings. Consider using glass from the same batch for a given project.

Dense White (000313) Reaction Note: The fired surface of French Vanilla does not react as readily to lead-bearing Dense White (000313), compared to firing the same combination in a single firing (using glass that has not previously been fired).

Reaction Examples: The upper tile shows sulfur-bearing French Vanilla (000137-30) in various forms (-03, -02, -01, -08, -0507, -0107, -0272, -30), fired over lead-bearing Dense White (000313-30).

The lower tile shows lead-bearing Dense White (000313-30) in various forms (-03, -02, -01, -08, -0507, -0107, -0272, -30), fired over sulfur-bearing French Vanilla (000137-30).

Examples of Lead (000313-0030 top) and Sulfur (000137-0030 bottom) Reactions

Copper-Bearing Glasses Reaction Note: French Vanilla will react to varying degrees with glasses containing copper. The sample below shows copper-bearing Turquoise Blue (000116) in various forms (-08, -01, -02, -03, -50, -30), fired over French Vanilla (000137, top half), with each then layered over with White (000113, bottom half). The area of interface and effects vary between French Vanilla and Turquoise Blue. The White does not react with either.

000116 fired on sulfur-bearing and non-sulfur-bearing base glasses.

Bullseye Compatible.

About 000137 Frit
000137-0003 Coarse Frit
000137-0002 Medium Frit
000137-0001 Fine Frit
000137-0008 Powder
Working Notes

Reaction Note: French Vanilla may react to varying degrees with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses.

About 000137 Rod
000137-0576 Rod
Cold Characteristics

Opaque, very white.

Working Notes

Torch: Avoid thermal shock by warming this style gradually.

Kiln: Lighter color and greater opacity than in sheet glass form. Very viscous; will flow later and less than other glasses.

Other: 000137 has a lighter color in rod (-0576) and stringer (-0007, -0072) forms than in sheet (-0030).

Reaction Note: French Vanilla may react to varying degrees with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses.

About 000137 Stringer
000137-0272 2mm Stringer
000137-0107 1mm Stringer
000137-0507 .5mm Stringer
Working Notes

Reaction Note: French Vanilla may react to varying degrees with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses.

About 000137 Ribbon
000137-0401 Ribbon

Reaction Note: French Vanilla may react to varying degrees with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses.

About 000137 Confetti
000137-0004 Confetti

Reaction Note: French Vanilla may react to varying degrees with gold-bearing lead (001311, 001215) and copper (001116, 001408, 001417, 000144, 000145, 000146) glasses.