000301 Pink Opalescent




This style may not reveal (strike to) its target color until fired.

Reactive Potential

Contains: Lead (Pb)
May React With: Selenium (Se) / Sulfur (S)

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) Rod (-0576), Stringer (-0107, -0272), and Confetti (-0004)

Detailed Information

About 000301 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics
000301-0030 3mm Unfired Sheet
000301-0050 2mm Unfired Sheet

Surface color variations common; some light dappling. Color range from light pink to deeper shades of lavender pink. Slight mottling on back of sheet.

Working Notes
000301-0030 Fused Tile

Typically deepens in coloration on firing. Dark interface reaction possible with sulfur glasses (001137, 001437, 000137). Mottling disappears on firing.

Bullseye Compatible.

About 000301 Frit
000301-0003 Coarse Frit
000301-0002 Medium Frit
000301-0001 Fine Frit
000301-0008 Powder

See sheet glass notes on this style.

About 000301 Rod
Cold Characteristics
000301-0576 Rod

Palest pink with a slight blue cast.

Working Notes

Torch: Strike this glass to pink by working it in the flame, then cooling it just outside of the flame and then gradually reheating it. Once struck it should be medium to dark pink while it is still hot. If the glass looks white, continue to cool and gradually reheat the glass until it strikes. The pink is easier to strike if it has been worked in a cooler flame to begin with; try to work with it farther out in the flame, away from the nozzle. When molten, this glass has a low viscosity and can be quite soft, which may result in a blurred edge where it meets other glasses. We advise labeling all striking glasses.

Kiln: Not recommended for kilnforming.

About 000301 Stringer
000301-0272 2mm Stringer
000301-0107 1mm Stringer

See sheet glass notes on this style.

About 000301 Confetti

See sheet glass notes on this style.

000301-0004 Confetti