
This style may not reveal (strike to) its target color until fired.
Reactive Potential
Contains: Lead (Pb)
May React With: Selenium (Se) / Sulfur (S)
Forms of Glass
Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008), Rod (-0576-T), and Stringer (-0107, -0272)
Detailed Information
About 000334 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics

Appears a deep royal blue hue with areas of transparency and variations in color density.
Working Notes

Matures to purple upon firing, often with mottles and streaks remaining. Additionally, this style often fires with blue hues and is not uniform in color.
Bullseye Compatible.
About 000334 Frit

See sheet glass notes for this style.
About 000334 Rod
Cold Characteristics

Opaque, dark purple.
Working Notes
Torch: Gold Purple in rod form becomes lighter in color once flameworked. When molten, this glass has a low viscosity and can be quite soft, which may result in a blurred edge where it meets other glasses.
Kiln: Not recommended for kilnforming.
Other: The name “Gold Purple” comes from the gold that is used as an ingredient in the manufacturing process.
About 000334 Stringer

See sheet glass notes for this style.