002249 White, Light Silver Gray Cascade

White, Light Silver Gray Cascade full sheet


Constituent Glasses

White Opalescent (000113) and Light Silver Gray Transparent (001429)

Reactive Potential

Non-reactive. Neutral.

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-CA30, -CA37)

Detailed Information

About 002249 Sheet Glass
Cold characteristics
Working Notes

White Opalescent (000113) and Light Silver Gray Transparent (001429)

Hand-rolled and controlled for mix consistency, with the unique patterning of true art glass. Nearly all are suitable for fusing or cold applications.

Working with White, Light Silver Gray Cascade Iridescent Silver

  • Iridescent coating face-up, uncapped: Typically fires less metallic, dry, and dull compared to the unfired/cold sheet. We have observed this effect in tack fuse and full fuse firings. Not recommended.
  • Iridescent coating face down, against shelf primer: The iridescent coating remains metallic with a matte finish.
  • Iridescent coating face-up, capped with clear sheet glass: Subtle iridescence is visible through the clear cap.
  • Iridescent coating face-up, fired with a layer of clear powder on top: Iridescence diminishes compared to the unfired sheet. Glossy finish.

Fusible / Bullseye-compatible.