Wearable glass with flash!
It’s all in the details—torn silver paired with candy apple red, and drilled holes for stringing.
- Materials: Clear, Thin (001101-0050); Red, Thin (001122-0050); silver foil (007217)
- Place silver between layers of paper and tear into strips. Layer the silver between Red and Clear sheet glass. Keep the silver away from the perimeter to minimize potential shelf contamination. Fuse the layers together.
- Cut the fired sheet into jewelry components.
- Coldwork the edges to smooth them. We used a small flat lap grinder.
- Drill small holes with a rotary tool and a diamond-coated drill bit. Then countersink or open up the hole by using a conical-shaped diamond-coated bit. This can help with stringing the finished piece. (See Drilling Small Holes in Jewelry and Ornaments for more information.)
- Clean the drilled components, and then re-fire to firepolish according to the provided schedule. Note that cooler temperatures will maintain crisp edges, while hotter temperatures will achieve more softening. Fired effects will vary depending on the characteristics of the ground edges as well as how your kiln fires.