Say YES to sprinkles!
Steps (4 firings)
- Make frit balls with Medium Frit. See Quick Tip: Frit Balls.
- Cut 7˝ (≈ 18 cm) circles. You’ll need 3 circles of Clear and one of each opalescent style to make the set.
- Clean and layer the sheet glass. Use an opal style for the base and cap with Clear.
- Brush a thin layer of GlasTac onto the clear sheet, sprinkle the frit ball mix and adjust to your liking. Don’t worry about finding the flat sides of the frit balls.
- Fire to a full fuse. See Tip Sheet 7: Platemaking Tips.
- You will likely notice a little haze around the dots. Fix this surface flaw and gloss up the project by firing a fresh layer of Clear Powder to the top surface. It’s worth it! See Quick Tip: Fix Surface Flaws.
- Center on Drop Out Ring Mold (008632), place directly on a kiln shelf and slump. See Mold Tips: Suggested Slumping Schedules.
Making Mini frit Balls
The secret to the small dots is to make them with Medium (-0002) Frit. Guidelines include firing on a primed kiln shelf and using transparent frit. The larger grains of -02 are a little easier to manage here. These smaller grains can be fired with a little less heatwork than when making frit balls with Coarse Frit; firing as fast as possible to 1490ºF (810ºC) for 10 minutes usually does the trick. Include a two hour hold at 1225ºF (663ºC) on the way up for color development in gold-bearing pinks.
Frit & Powder
- Light Orange (001025-0002)
- Turquoise Blue (001116-0002)
- Yellow (001120-0002)
- Red (001122-0002)
- Light Pink (001215-0002)
- Light Aquamarine Blue (001408-0002)
- Clear, Powder (001101-0008)
Sheet Glass
- Light Peach Cream Opal
(000034-0030) - White Opal (000113-0030)
- Warm White Opal (000920-0030)
- Tekta Clear (001100-0380)
Other Supplies