For a festive feel, break out the punch!
(The paper punch, that is.) Combine punched silver foil design elements with Tomato Red Opal for something truly festive.
The Details
Arrange Silver Foil (007217) punches on Tomato Red Opal sheet glass (000024-0030). You can use GlasTac (008232) to keep them in place. Cap with 3 mm Clear (001101-0030) and invert the whole layup so that the clear sheet is against the shelf and the Tomato Red is the top layer—or arrange the foil on the Clear and cap with Tomato Red.
The pieces shown here were fired “design down,” so the side facing the shelf in the fuse becomes the front of the piece. To achieve an effortless semi-matte finish, slump with the shelf-side up.
HINT: Sandwich silver foil between sheets of paper before punching out shapes (or cutting them with scissors). This creates a toothy structure that cuts cleanly and keeps the foil from tearing. Be sure to remove all traces of paper before firing.
We’ve had success firing this layup with an initial heat range of 200–400ºF in the first segment of a full fuse. If using larger pieces of silver, slow this rate to 100 degrees per hour to prevent thermal shock.
Remember Reactivity
A dark reaction will develop around foil elements as a result of a silver-sulfur reaction with Red Opalescent. Reactions near the edge of the piece may “feather” because there’s more airflow there. Some yellowing between Clear and silver may develop (this is called silver stain). Expect variation. It’s part of the beauty of this combination.
Firing with silver foil between layers of glass usually contains the silver. To protect your kiln shelf from silver contamination, place the foil elements at least ¾˝ from the outer edge of the project. If firing with silver on the perimeter, keep it within the footprint of the base without any overhang.
Enjoy the punch!