Combine GlasTac and Aventurine Blue Powder to create gestural brush strokes.
Think of sumi-e and other East Asian styles of brush painting and calligraphy.
Here’s How it Works
Using a brush, create your design in GlasTac (008234) on clean, dry 3 mm sheet glass, then sift Aventurine Blue Powder (001140-0008) over the wet area. Tilt the sheet vertical, give it a swift tap to remove excess powder, and you’re ready to head for the kiln. It’s that simple!
Further Considerations
- Aventurine Blue is a color-saturated indigo, so even a small amount can have an impact. Consider the tiny sparkles found in this style a bonus!
- Working on a sheet of paper makes it to easy to reclaim excess powder.
- For greater versatility in line quality, choose a brush that tapers to a point.
- Allowing the design to dry makes light editing easier but isn’t required. We’ve successfully fired both wet and dry works.
- If you’re not satisfied with the design, wipe the powder away to a container or surface and let it dry out. Once you break up the clumps, it’s ready to be used again.
- GlasTac is clear when applied. To better see the wet brush strokes, work with side lighting set up at a low angle.